Saturday, July 13, 2013

Herb rides to Gun Lake

Today I rode to Gun Lake. Here's what it looks like:

The last time I rode here it was early spring. For some reason there are a lot more people, boats, and noise this time of year. This lake is within the Yankee Springs Recreation Area, which is a beautiful area to bicycle-hilly, curvy, wide and well maintained roads. In addition to cycling, there are many other ways to recreate without using those loud, smelly internal combustion engines:


I got to the Yankee Springs area by taking Marsh Road from Otsego. This route will take you through a place called Orangeville

Yes, that really is a non-ironic dog cowering in the bed of that pickup truck. If this view of Orangeville doesn't make you want to live there, the apparent certainty of a burial plot may just do it.

The availability of cemetery space should not be taken for granted. I saw this meager offering closer to Yankee Springs:

Not really sure why the chain link fence is necessary.


Also, looks like the wheat crop is ready for harvest:

There were three double bottom semi tractor trailers lined up waiting to be filled. That's a lot of wheat.

And finally, I never saw an old barn I didn't like:


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